Happy New Year! Last week I noticed this mug on Aurea Carter's website. Though the mug is unmarked, the flower decoration, inside the rim and on the handle, is typical of Scott's Southwick Pottery (see Baker page 52 for a similar mug). However, Moore & Co's neighbouring pottery sometimes shared transfers with Scott, so I've called this transfer the 'Southwick' (rather than the 'Scott') Wesley. The 'Southwick' Wesley transfer on the mug matches that on the circular plaque beside it. Its defining features are: – doesn't say 'FOUNDER OF THE' in the title – only 5 prongs to Wesley's 'aura' on the right Below left are two 'loving cups' I found in the archived sales on Boldon Auction Galleries' website with the 'Southwick' Wesley. Although unmarked, they again have the typical Scott flower decoration inside and on the handle. Below right is a small rectangular plaque with the 'Southwick' Wesley transfer. Below left shows the reverse side of the loving cups, with the 'Southwick' Clarke transfer. It has a curvy undulating 'aura', distinguishable from the 'Dixon' Clarke by the height of its peaks, particularly at the bottom right. The white spaces between the peaks are longer and thinner. Below right is a small rectangular plaque with the 'Southwick' Clarke. Below is a later wide-bordered plaque (c1860) with the 'Southwick' Wesley. Somewhere there is likely a pair with the 'Southwick' Clarke. Finally, here are two later orange-bordered plaques (c1870s), of a kind associated with Scott's of Southwick. They have poor imprints of the 'Southwick' Wesley and Clarke. Perhaps someone out there has a bowl or jug marked 'Scott' with the above transfers. If so, please get in touch. I'd love to strengthen this attribution.
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AuthorStephen Smith lives in London, and is always happy to hear from other collectors. If you have an interesting collection of plaques, and are based in the UK, he will photograph them for you. Free advice given regarding selling and dispersal of a collection, or to those wishing to start one. Just get in touch... Archives
February 2022
AcknowledgementsThis website is indebted to collectors, dealers and enthusiasts who have shared their knowledge or photos. In particular: Ian Holmes, Stephen Duckworth, Dick Henrywood, Norman Lowe, Keith Lovell, Donald H Ryan, Harold Crowder, Jack and Joyce Cockerill, Myrna Schkolne, Elinor Penna, Ian Sharp, Shauna Gregg at the Sunderland Museum, Keith Bell, Martyn Edgell, and Liz Denton.